To find parts of the chairlift I recommend you have a GPS
Download Easy GPS (freeware)
Download this file and open it with Easy GPS. Either download it to your GPS if you have a connector cord or manually enter the waypoints into your GPS. (Do not change the names of the waypoints)
Old hiking maps here.
Now you are ready, coordinates are deg. min. sec. NAD83/WGS84 datum.
To go to the upper sections of the chairlift, drive along the Cypress Parkway to the last hairpin turn, turn right into the gravel parking lot just after. Waypoint: HOLLYR
Then walk up the Cabin Access road past the clear cut area on the left and the cabin on the right, keep walking up until you pass under an old powerline heading down the mountain, the powerline turns west on the left side of the road. Right after that look to the left and you will see a turquoise chair half buried in earth also there is a piece of metal possibly a restraining bar. Now continue up the road until the road forks, now take a sharp left and head up Spar Tree Road, there is a sign that says no vehicles without permission or something like that. Walk up the road until your GPS tells you that you are arriving at SPARTR, then turn direct south and walk down aways into the forest, there are a couple old pieces of towers, a foundation for a tower and a red chair. I think there might be more stuff farther down but I am not sure yet, now retrace your steps back to SPARTR, continue walking up the road, there is a junction so stay to the right, then walk aways to the end of the road and your GPS will now tell you that you are arriving at HYVTRA, now walk straight at 160 mag into the bush and you will come to some more stuff, there are a couple old towers, a blue chair and another old foundation, there are also some old wires running through that area and if you walk north you will come to some old garbage. Now retrace your steps back to HYVTRA and then walk up the trail from the end of the road there. Then turn right and head down to a bridge to cross the stream that originates in First Lake in the XC Area. Head up the other side and pass a private cabin. Then continue along the trail until you see an outhouse to your right, then turn right into an open area with a couple benches, keep walking and you will find the bullwheel foundations for the lift. Simply retrace your steps back down the trail across the bridge turn left then walk to the end of the trail, down Spar Tree Road to the Cabin access road, turn right and walk down the cabin access road to your car. I hope to have info on finding the lift on lower Hollyburn soon.
Update: I checked out an area just up from the first lookout and then down off the road. There isn't much there and its really bushy.